Friends of Belmont Community School consists of a combination of caring, enthusiastic and supportive parents, carers, students, ex-students, teachers, staff and family. Our aim is to help support our students in whatever way we can, particularly by encouraging and providing closer links between home and school.
Everyone is welcome to join us no matter how much time you have to spare. It is not necessary that you attend every event, or every meeting; we realise time is valuable and appreciate input from everyone, no matter how small.
Our most recent investment was in a school mini bus and are continually looking for new ideas to raise funds, as well as ways of supporting the school in its activities and events.
If you would like any further information or would like to become involved with ‘The Friends of Belmont’ please do not hesitate to contact us via Facebook at ‘Friendsof Belmontschool’ or by contacting the school (please ask reception for details).