We are committed to providing a curriculum for all students that is:
- Ambitious
- Academically rigorous
- Carefully sequenced
- Broad and balanced
Through this, we aim to develop in students:
- A desire to work hard, contribute positively and demonstrate respect for others
- A positive attitude towards and lifelong love of learning
- The key skills of literacy, numeracy and oracy
- Effective study skills that support them to know and remember more
- An understanding of post-16 opportunities and pathways
- An understanding of the many diverse aspects of life
Our curriculum is designed on the following principles:
- The development of subject specific knowledge and skills
- Careful sequencing of knowledge and skills is used to build on prior learning
- Frequent opportunities are provided to recall and practise core knowledge and skills
- Literacy and oracy are at the heart of all subjects
- The demands of the National Curriculum are fully met and exceeded
- The full English Baccalaureate is followed by all students
- The Gatsby Benchmarks are used to ensure a high quality careers education
- Opportunities to develop an understanding of ‘British Values’ are made explicit
- Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural and Relationships, Sex and Health education are embedded into pastoral and curriculum programmes
- Opportunities for pupils to develop their talents and interests through access to a rich set of experiences
- Effective assessment is central to checking progress and ensuring a responsive curriculum