At Belmont Community School we have a strong pastoral team who support all students with their social and emotional development. The pastoral team is made up of five Heads of Year and 3 Student Support Managers who work closely together, and with form tutors, to ensure that students are happy within school. The school also benefits from Peer Support, which is made up of a team of students who are trained to listen to the concerns of other students if they have any issues or worries that they do not want to talk to an adult about. They are available during lunch times in Learning Support. In addition to these arrangements students with SEND have annual reviews where they are able to voice their concerns and views regarding their learning and social and emotional development. We also have a School Counsellor based in school who offers invaluable support to our students.
At Belmont we acknowledge that bullying does exist and has long term damaging effects on those concerned. The Anti- Bullying Policy aims to ensure that all students feel safe in school and sets out actions that should be followed when an incident of bullying has been reported. We take all reports of bullying seriously as bullying is never acceptable. Please refer to our Anti- bullying Policy for more information.