For the attention of those parents who have received the text message regarding Blood Brothers, a copy of the letter is available here
Book Fair
We have a book fair in the LRC from Tuesday – Friday of this week.
We are running a Summer Offer: 3 books for the price of 2 (Buy 2 books and choose a 3rd book for free – lowest price book is free).
This is a great way to support the school as the LRC earns free books with every purchase.
Y8 Parents’/Options Evening
Our Y8 Parents’/Options Evening is on Thursday 26th April. A copy of the letter is available via this link
We have been asked by the Local Authority to share information on Roblox with parents read more
Y10 Parents’ Evening
Year 10 Parents’ Evening will be held on Wednesday 24th January. Letters will be posted this week, a copy of the letter is available here
Sunderland Vs Hull City tickets available.
We have been offered tickets for the Sunderland vs Hull City match on Saturday 20th January. Tickets are £20 per pair (one adult and one child), further details here. If you would like a printed letter please contact the school reception.
Our Christmas newsletter is available via this link or under the Parents tab, Newsletters.
Christmas Jumper Day
Friday 22nd December will be Christmas Jumper Day, students and staff are invited to wear Christmas knits instead of their jumpers and/or blazers more information via this link
All Together: United Against Bullying
Belmont Community School is embarking on the All Together Anti-Bullying Programme, you will receive a letter home via your child. A further copy is available here or in the Parents section, Letters tab.
Scholastic Book Fair
We are hosting a Scholastic Book Fair in our LRC next week, offering students and staff the opportunity of buying books and gifts at half price.